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Sample section for University of Waterloo

Biological and physical sciences

CHEM (39), PHYS (15), BIOL (5), PSYCH (1) ...

Mathematics, computer science and engineering

CS (142), ECE (93), MATH (67), STAT (25), CO (21), PMATH (16), ME (16), SYDE (15), GENE (14), ACTSC (12), AMATH (10), CHE (5), NE (4), MTE (4), CIVE (4) ...

Social sciences and economics

ECON (22), PSYCH (1) ...
Arts, language and humanities

ENGL (1) ...

Business, education and other professional studies

AFM (43), ACTSC (12), MSCI (3), ACC (2), HRM (1) ...

Miscellaneous courses